Parents Voice in Government School Education

School buildings – PV media comment

ABC Radio Melbourne’s Trevor Chappell  discussed the state of Victoria’s public school buildings on his Afternoons program yesterday. Trevor began with the comment that “it’s all very well to build new schools, but what about the schools we already have?”

Trevor interviewed Parents Victoria CEO Gail McHardy. Gail emphasised the importance of adequate facilities for education, the budgetary pressures on school principals and the importance of transparency about how school funding is directed. She linked the issue of school buildings to the ‘bigger picture’ of school funding, especially the way Federal Government funding currently favours private schools at the expense of public schools. Trevor also took calls from parents who told of the importance of good school facilities from their own personal experience.

You can listen to the interview online on the ABC website:

  • Skip to 45 seconds for Trevor’s introduction and talkback calls
  • Skip to 13 min 30 sec for Gail’s interview


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